Take a Break from Being Your Best Self

Josephine Black
3 min readApr 11, 2023


Life is hard right now. I don’t know about you but I always feel the need to be the absolute best I can be. Make all the right decisions on the first go around. That’s just not feasible. Especially for someone who is wanting to learn new things. There’s a learning curve to everything in life. What has come to help me lately is my mantra for 2023. Not having a plan is a plan. Who is going to benefit from you being your best self? You. Who is going to be hurt if you don’t? You. So why do we care so much about what other people are seeing and making sure that we are doing enough to stay relevant?

I’m taking a break. I’m making all of the bad decisions right now and I don’t care who sees it. I’ll happily tell anyone that I’m spiraling and most likely in a manic state right now. The reason why I’m okay with it is because I KNOW. It’s not like I’m going through my entire life like this. I’m just taking a break from being my absolute best. I’m still working on my goals and ambitions. I’m just allowing myself to make more mistakes, procrastinate a little more than I should because I think my body needs it.

One thing that I’ve learned in therapy that hits a lot harder than I thought it would is the fact that you are indeed the only person that you cannot get away from. You have to be there for yourself no matter what. That also means that you don’t need to explain yourself to anyone. Not a single soul on this Earth can tell you what you should do with your life. If you want to be a bum on the beach in Hawaii, I hear they make pretty good money. If you want to be the next playboy millionaire, fucking do it I believe in you. If no one else does, I do. That’s all you need. You just have to believe in yourself and when you can’t that’s when we take a break.

Breaks are when we focus on our own happiness and finding ourselves again. I suggest everyone does it every 3 or so years. I’ve noticed that I want to change something about my life every 3 or so years. Maybe as I get older that number will grow as well, I’ll update you guys when I know. The feeling that I get when I know I need to change something is just a lack in everything. It’s like falling out of love with life. The blues aren’t as blue, the trees blooming just reminds you of allergies, and the birds chirping doesn’t sound like a beautiful melody from Mother Nature herself. Fall in love with your life again. You deserve to love every second you’re awake. It’s okay if you don’t though. I would like to stress that fact as well. Just because you deserve something doesn’t mean it happens everyday or that you’re entitled to it. You deserve to be happy so you need to do the things that make you happy. Don’t go to Sam’s 27th birthday party with the lame-o’s from your job if you would rather be at home watching Friends for the millionth time. Is that a good way to develop your social skills if you’re working on that? No. Will it make you happy for the night? Probably. So take a break from being the absolute best you; take a break from doing everything right every time.

As always, I love you guys ❤ Josephine

