The Fallout Family: Book Review

Josephine Black
2 min readApr 14, 2024


I got the wonderful opportunity to read this children’s book authored by Isaac Cooke-Khan. The title was what really got me interested, The Fallout Family. He takes the time to think about the representation within his story as well showing that sometimes the inconvenient way is actually the better way to go.

The Fallout Family follows a dog from the beginning. Introducing the reader to the setting and the dangerous atmosphere of the world that has been created. The dog has no name because, in this world, things come and go more often than not. After the dog’s pack leader dies in a tragic altercation, the dog has to go out on her own, putting all her training to the test. Until one day, she finds herself a new family that may or may not be her forever home. The dog has to prove her usefulness to these people and then she gets the opportunity to show what she’s really made of.

One of the characters in the book has a prosthetic leg and Cooke-Khan shows both the good and bad side of having a disability in the world. This might sound silly but as a person who had chronic pain as a kid and continues to have it now, I personally loved what he did with the character. He doesn’t make it an overall disability either, he just ties it in as if everyone should know someone with a prosthetic leg. I would have to say between the dog and James (character with the prosthetic leg) are tied for my favorite character after reading this book.

Cooke-Khan does a fantastic job of having softer moments while his characters are in a completely desolate world. He also makes sure not to go too far into the gore-y details but makes sure that his young readers still get a slice of the action. I would compare this book to Gregor the Overlander series by Suzanne Collins. I read that in the 5th grade for the first time, and based on the length and subject matter for this book I would stay right around 3rd-5th grade for it.

At the end of this book Cooke-Khan gives us amazing news that The Fallout Family is not going to be a one hit wonder! This book is published as of today and I can’t wait to see what this family has in store for them next!

