The Most Important Thing to do as a Parent to a Reader

Josephine Black
4 min readApr 24, 2024

When I was a kid, I had a new book almost every week if not every couple of days. It was my escape from reality. Now as an adult, I realize that it wasn’t necessarily a good thing to do, but it’s what I did. When things got crazy at home, I would find a quiet place to read and just be there for hours. If you find your kid in the tub with a blanket reading a book, they are not the only one, just know you have a dedicated reader on your hands.

The most important thing to a reader is not that they have every book in the world in their possession at any given time. As a kid I had my own little library of probably 100 books at any given time because I’d give them to my friends to read, or I’d give them to a secondhand bookstore and use that money to buy another book. My point is though, they don’t need to own them all. They just need access to all the books they want. There are so many different ways to get books now days. Going to the library is an obvious one, but one thing that has come about since my childhood years, is e-readers. Libraries have e-books that you can rent and then they return themselves when it comes time. You never have to worry about late fees for your kiddo. Getting them some sort of device that has access to app downloads is all you need. Almost ANY tablet you get for your kiddo will have access to app downloads. The Libby app is what I use to get my books from the library. All you have to have is an active library card, and access to the internet and you’re good to go! The best part about all of…

